Forever Wild Tavern 3rd Annual Kayak Poker Run

Forever Wild Tavern 3rd Annual Kayak Poker Run

Proceeds go toward river and trail clean up and wildlife rescue.

Chinese Auction, 50/50, food, merchandise for sale, and live music!

$20 a hand * extra hands $5 each

$15 a hand if registered before the day of the poke run (preregistration)

Non-paddling hands available only $15 and only available the day of the event!


PREREGISTATION WILL OPEN JUNE 1ST. Please message Patricia Wainwright Dineen or Margaret Beekman to either meet up with cash or they both will be accepting Venmo now.

Margaret will be at Forever Wild Tavern on June 28th and July 5th from 6-8pm for preregistrations as well!

9am-12pm the day of at the event at Forever Wild Tavern (everyone must sign in, so we know who is on the River)

You must RETURN to Tavern by 4 pm!



50/50 Raffle: This year we will not be raffling off 1 kayak, but 2. Yes 2 kayaks!! Both are 10ft pelicans- one is a SIT ON and the other is a SIT IN!! Both have a 275lb capacity. 

You ask What is a non-paddling hand?? That’s is for the people who prefer not to kayak but still would like to get a poker hand. The day of the run poker you will go to Forever Wild Tavern to get all of your hands (2pm-3:30pm), join in on the raffles, 50/50, grab a bite to eat, and dance this night away!!

Rain date will be Sunday July 14, 2024

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