Paint with Patrice at The ADKX

Learn to Paint at The ADKX with Patrice Jarvis-Weber

Join us at The Adirondack Experience Museum for our "Paint with Patrice: Inspired By" Series! Over a two hour period Patrice will walk you through creating an acrylic painting on an 8x8 or 10x10 stretched canvas. These classes are geared towards beginners but are open to all ages and abilities. Supplies are included in fee. Pre-registration is required.

July 20- "Inspired by Light" Paint a scene bases on Dale Nichols' Lake Saranac

July 29- "Inspired by Water" Explore colors while mixing shades of blue and green as you recreate a view of Lake George

August 10- "Inspired by Mountains" Paint a scene based on Rockwell Kent's painting of Asgaard Farm

August 19- "Inspired by Water" Explore colors while mixing shades of blue and green as you recreate a view of Lake George

September 14- "Inspired by Mountains" Paint a scene based on Rockwell Kent's painting of Asgaard Farm

September 21- "Inspired by Forests" Create a charming painting with a brilliant blue sky, crisp white birch bark and golden leaves