Good Luck Mountain

The top of the cliffs has the best view.
The top of the cliffs has the best view.


Route 10
Lake Pleasant, NY 12108

Good Luck Mountain is a challenging but fun hike in the southern Adirondacks that leads to great views. 

Getting there

From the intersection of Route 8 and Route 10 in Piseco, follow Route 10 toward Pine Lake. Continue for a bit under 12 miles to the trailhead on the right; parking is on the left.

By the numbers

  • Elevation gain: 900 feet
  • Elevation: 2,320 feet
  • Distance: 3.5 miles, round trip


This is a great hike for kids but be sure you keep an eye on them at the top of the cliffs. The massive boulder field the trail goes near is a fun place for exploring with care.

From the road the trail starts climbing moderately along a snowmobile trail, and after a half mile it veers onto a foot trail that passes close to Good Luck Lake, which can be seen through the trees. There's a path that leads to a campsite with a nice view down the lake.

At 1.3 miles the trail swings right and starts a steep climb along the base of the cliffs and near the boulder field. Eventually you'll reach the top of the cliffs, where there is an outstanding view southwest over Spectacle Pond. The true summit of Good Luck Mountain has no views, but there is a well-defined herd path leading you there if you want to explore the additional 0.1 mile. A cairn marks the summit.

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